Articles and Guides
Below you will find helpful articles and guides that can advise you on successful career in technology architecture.
FAILING FORWARD: Deconstructing failure the Architect's way
October 15 , 2024
Failure isn’t inherently negative; it’s an opportunity for growth and learning. As architects, we excel at problem-solving, so why not apply these skills to ourselves? By deconstructing failure, we can process experiences, build resilience, and gain confidence.
This article introduces a framework for breaking down failure into manageable steps, from objectively assessing the situation to analyzing emotions and envisioning future success. With tools like the Feelings Wheel and AI prompts, you can turn setbacks into stepping stones toward personal and professional development.
Read the full article here.
June 6 , 2024
So, you’re pondering the big question: “Am I ready to be an architect?” We often tiptoe around the edge of our comfort zones, wondering if we’ve got what it takes. Those pesky doubts creep in, like uninvited guests at a party. But what if readiness isn’t a prerequisite for success? What if we embraced the journey despite feeling unprepared?
Read the full article here.
May 2, 2024
April 5, 2024
"You don't look like an architect"
(Excuse me while I roll my eyes) You will get this a lot, both verbally and bluntly to your face, and indirectly -"I thought you worked in hair and beauty''. But, what does an architect even look like? Do you expect me to look like the outdated inaccurate stereotypical portrayal of an architect- an overweight, middle-aged white man in business casual attire, possibly wearing glasses, with a laptop or tablet in hand? Sorry, not sorry! In reality, architects come from diverse backgrounds, genders, ages, and their appearance does not define their capability or expertise. Read the full article here.
So you're out there, rocking it as a developer, engineer, or analyst, right?
But maybe you're feeling a bit stuck, wondering what's the next move in your career journey. Ever thought about architecture? Making that leap into architecture can seem pretty intimidating. Trust me, I've been there. When I had the chance to switch from coding to architecture, I was nervous. I mean, I've been deep in the code for years, and now you want me to switch lanes? Crazy, right? But let me tell you, it took some courage to take that step. And yeah, it wasn't all smooth sailing. But guess what? I'm here to demystify the role for all the tech-savvy ladies who might not have considered architecture as a career path. Read the full article here.
May 18, 2023
I embrace all the choices I have made, all the discomforts, vulnerability and courage that comes with learning; whether it’s picking up a new technology, stepping into a new role or working in a new industry. When I had the opportunity to move away from development and into architecture, I was very sceptical and nervous. My initial thought was that I’ve been a developer all these years and I love coding; architecture is not for someone like me, I will lose my skills. It took a lot of courage for me to step into that role and push through to gain respect and it was an uphill battle at times. Read the full article here.
November 03, 2017
I have never been scared of the sign ‘not for girls’ (whether literal or subliminal). From a young age I have been interested in technology and despite things not always going right, being constantly mistaken for a ‘hair and beauty girl’, and being the only BAME (and female) when starting my graduate career, I love and embrace all the challenges working in technology brings. Read the full article here.
January 15, 2016
In any environment it is essential to know how you are perceived. It is also important to understand the motivations of each of your team members in a workplace. I have found, colour personality profiling, determining a person’s personality type based on the work of Carl Jung, really useful to identify the types of people in my teams. Jung uses colour energies to identify the four basic personality types. Read the full article here.